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Grand County Soccer Club

Grand County Soccer Club

Player Performance Expectations

  • Each player is expected to attend all scheduled practice sessions.  Failure to attend all practices may affect the amount of playing time your child receives.  The coach is committed to playing those who, he/she feels, are conditioned and aware of the team routines established during practice. There is a two practice minimum, but not attend all practices may result in reduced playtime.
  • There will be at least three practice sessions per week, usually lasting 1:30-2 hours.
  • Effective communication is critical to the overall success of the individual teams and the program.  Players are required to contact the coach if they are unable to attend practice, games or other scheduled events.  Advance notice is needed as absences negatively affect the whole team as well as game and practice plans
  • Each player is required to bring the following to each practice:  Water, soccer cleats and shin guards.
  • Parents are welcome to watch all practices, but shall not make comments during practice.  For practices to operate efficiently it is necessary for parents not to come on to the playing fields.
  • Playing positions are solely  the coach's decision.

Player Conduct

It will be demanded that each player respect every facet of the game; coaches, teammates, officials and their opponent, on and off the field.  Retaliation to opponents, teammates or referees verbally or physically will not be tolerated.  Sportsmanship is not requested but demanded.


Grand County Soccer Club
P.O. Box 753 
Granby, Colorado 80446

Email: [email protected]

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